Skin Blogs | RSVP Med Spa


Beat Dry Skin this Winter Season

Beat Dry Skin this Winter Season

During winter, many of us find ourselves struggling with dry skin. Harsh weather and dry indoor heating can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving our complexions dry, flaky, and prone to irritation. However, with a few simple adjustments to your skincare routine...

6 Things You Should Know About Botox

6 Things You Should Know About Botox

Botox6 Things You Should Know About Botox Are you thinking about getting Botox? The injectable Botox eliminates wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles in the face. Yes, you heard that right – and if that doesn’t sound terrifying to you then did you even read the...

Submental Fat Reduction – Kybella

Dysport and Botox The Difference Between Dysport and BotoxMost people watch celebrities and wonder, how do they look so young or how is their skin so fresh? It is just because they have covered up their wrinkles. If you become successful in eliminating them, then you...

Why Should rsvp be Your Go-To Medspa?

Why Should rsvp be Your Go-To Medspa?

We like to think our beloved Kansas City is one of the best cities in the world… even before Patrick Mahomes the Comeback King made us a household name. Our food is awesome, our people are fantastic and it is one of the best places to visit with or without family.  If...

Submental Fat Reduction

Submental Fat Reduction

Submental fat, also known as the double chin is an aesthetic problem that has been around since forever. This condition is a noticeable fat deposit in the submental/neck region. It doesn't make you look the best version of you; instead, it makes you look less...

VISIA Complexion Analysis: What Is It About?

VISIA Complexion Analysis: What Is It About?

A lot of people are in love with their skincare routines and would do anything to shine bright like a diamond. There are numerous skincare routines that exist, but only a few can get things done. One of them is VISIA. How does VISIA work? The VISIA Complexion Analysis...

Why You Need A Medical Barrier Cream

Why You Need A Medical Barrier Cream

Needless to say, toxins (which can simply be called poisons when consumed or taken in) are extremely harmful to your skin. With rising levels of pollution and industrialization, there’s no stopping the toxins entering our atmosphere every day. To protect yourself, you...