- Brightens and evens skin tone
- Clarifies and improves the overall appearance of the skin
- ArbutaseLC can be added for patients in need of pigment reduction
- Stimulates collagen and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
One of the most potent antioxidants, particularly good at defending against and disabling free radicals made by the
body. This ingredient is essential to tissue repair, works synergistically with vitamin C, and helps fight free radicals and
environmental stressors that can lead to premature aging. - FERULIC ACID (FERULOYL SOY GLYCERIDES), 0.5%
This potent antioxidant, found in plants, increases stability of vitamin C and E as well as adding photo-protection. This
ingredient also provides additional protection against thymine dimmer formation. - L-ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C), 15%
A potent antioxidant with photo-protective and anti-inflammatory properties. Stimulates collagen, promotes wound
healing, and is necessary for tissue growth and repair. This ingredient helps combat free radicals triggered by both the
body and the environment. Helps brighten skin.