What is LimeLight IPL?

Have you ever just wanted to wave a magic wand and, just like that, in an instant, you have a new skin? Those little flaws like skin redness, tiny veins, brown spots, and sun damage can be small to other people but, to you, they can be noticeable annoyances. You might even feel like those little flaws stick out like a sore thumb. So what do you do? Introducing a treatment called LimeLight™ by Cutera, an advanced intense pulsed light device available here at RSVP Med Spa. Here’s what to know about this exciting way to improve skin tone and minimize sun damage without downtime.
What is LimeLight IPL?
LimeLight IPL, sometimes called a LimeLight Facial, is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment for your face, neck, and décolleté which uses pulses of light energy to target pigmentation and heat the skin. The damaged skin cells will fade from the surface of the skin, leaving behind clear skin and improving skin tone. This process takes one to three weeks and only one to three treatments, making it one of the best ways to reverse sun damage.
What Can LimeLight IPL Treat?
IPL can treat a wide variety of surface imperfections that contribute to excessively sun damaged skin. These include:
- Vascular lesions
- Brown spots
- Age spots
- Skin pigmentation
- Skin redness (telangiectasia, tiny veins)
- Uneven skin tones
LimeLight IPL Results
After your IPL treatment, make sure to apply broad spectrum sunscreen daily because your skin will be sensitive to sun damage. Over the course of the following weeks, any brown spots treated will begin to crust and flake off. Any treated skin redness will fade from the surface. Subsequent treatments can improve your results.
LimeLight Facial in Overland Park, KS
To learn more about the LimeLight Facial, contact RSVP Med Spa today and schedule a consultation.