6 Things You Should Know About Botox


6 Things You Should Know About Botox

Are you thinking about getting Botox? The injectable Botox eliminates wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles in the face. Yes, you heard that right – and if that doesn’t sound terrifying to you then did you even read the words “paralyzing muscles”? Regardless of this, Botox is still one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. This is because the results of it have been excellent, the side effects (if done correctly) are nearly non-existent and the downtime is minimal. Even so, there would undoubtedly be a lot of questions going through your mind. Here’s what you need to know about botox treatment:

  1. Be aware of where your injectable came from

Always make sure that your doctor is an official vendor for any substance you’re having injected. Some manufacturers’ websites offer a tool to search by zip code for every licensed physician who obtained their product legally, to reduce the risk of getting an expired, contaminated, or potentially dangerous product.

  1. A consultation is crucial

The person performing the injection should have you smile, frown and raise your eyebrows. An experienced professional will carefully evaluate you the whole time to see how different areas of your face naturally move so that he or she can keep you looking refreshed instead of expressionless. Some professionals usually ask patients to talk about something they’re passionate about to gauge facial movement. Before the injection, you must also be given a thorough health assessment.

  1. Bruises can be undone

Neurotoxins require finer needles and are typically placed more superficially than fillers. It’s a legit possibility that an injection could potentially hit a vessel, causing blood to pool beneath the skin and form an unattractive black-and-blue blotch. Most dermatologists usually offer a next- day complementary vascular laser treatment, which breaks down pooled blood into smaller particles, and thus greatly diminishing bruises within 24 hours. It would be a good idea for a patient to ask up front if their dermatologist offers this service.

  1. Not all fillers are created equal

Never get silicone. It’s not FDA approved and it’s the one filler we see the most complications from. Silicone is a synthetic material that can’t be metabolized and can harden over time, creating unsightly, uneven bulges, unlike other malleable hyaluronic acids–based fillers, which can be absorbed by the body and will eventually break down.

  1. Be prepared to take a minute

Be prepared to avoid putting makeup, exercising, washing your hair, lying down, or messing with the injected zones, for several hours after your shots. You don’t want the toxin to spread to the muscles or weaken the injection. Stay grounded (literally and figuratively) for a few days.

  1. Early bird gets…the best results

There’s a term used in this field by the name Preventative Botox, and used when treating younger patients—say, those in their late twenties or early thirties—when expression lines are visible at rest and during movement. It’s more like, if you start using the toxin when no lines are visible, you will be using it for 50 years!

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