I was in a sales meeting the other day with a gentleman I’ve known for the past couple of years, and we were talking about insurance and investments. He came right out and asked me how old I was and begrudgingly, I told him “the truth,” something I rarely do. He responded saying, “You don’t look anywhere close… Continue reading Here’s to Smooth Skin
Author: DLM Admin
Most Fabulous 2013!
Congrats to Katie McNeil, RSVP Med Spa, licensed Esthetician, for being Voted 435 Magazine Editors’ Choice 2012 & 2013 Most Fabulous! Katie brings passion and expertise in working with her clients. Without being pushy, she helps her clients not only feel better but puts their minds at ease with her expert recommendations for the most impact.… Continue reading Most Fabulous 2013!
Being “Mature” has its Drawbacks
Remember when you were 16 or 17 and your goal was to be called “mature?” You would roll your eyes at your younger sibs and tell them, “You’re SO immature!”When you reach your 40s and 50s, you have a different perspective on maturity. To be called Mr. or Mrs. So and So makes you feel old.… Continue reading Being “Mature” has its Drawbacks
RSVP Medical Director, Dr. Richard Ruiz, Featured in KC Star
Dr. Ruiz, RSVP MedSpa’s Medical Director, was recently featured in the Kansas City Star’s Men’s and Health section on how low testosterone impacts the quality of life for men. The article focused on one of Dr. Ruiz’s patients, John Anderson (39), who had been experiencing fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and no results for rigorous training at the gym several times… Continue reading RSVP Medical Director, Dr. Richard Ruiz, Featured in KC Star
The Truth About Sunscreen and Skin Cancer
It’s important to think critically about the things we take for granted, and sunscreen is one of them. If you’ve seen sunscreen in the news lately, it’s normal to be concerned about what you’re putting on your body. However, the truth may not be what it seems. Here’s what to know about sunscreen, its uses,… Continue reading The Truth About Sunscreen and Skin Cancer
Your Skin=PIO, “Pretty Important Organ”
We often think of our organs as inside of us, tucked safely away from harm. If you didn’t know, your skin is an organ, and it is the largest one you have. In that case, it’s pretty important and needs special care so that it can do its job well and protect all the other organs we… Continue reading Your Skin=PIO, “Pretty Important Organ”
Our Top Medical Grade Skincare Part II
In our last blog, we talked about how medical grade skincare lines can be confusing! We took a few of the medical grade skincare products we carry and talked about them, highlighting what they offer. Remember, these products are advanced, medical grade skincare backed by many years of research and science. At RSVP Med Spa,… Continue reading Our Top Medical Grade Skincare Part II
How Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Can Create Stunning Skin
Have you ever just wanted to wave a magic wand and, just like that, in an instant, you have a new skin? Believe it or not, there is such a thing! It’s called Intense Pulsed Light, or LimeLight™ by Cutera.Those little flaws like skin redness, tiny veins, brown spots, and sun damage can be small to… Continue reading How Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Can Create Stunning Skin
Our Top Medical Grade Skincare Part I
Skin care lines can be as confusing as shopping at a big box store—there are so many of them! Here’s a breakdown of all the skin care lines RSVP carries because of their quality. Each week, we’ll highlight a few products so that you can get a better look at what is offered. These products are advanced skin… Continue reading Our Top Medical Grade Skincare Part I
Quality . . . We Wear It With Pride
What is “quality?” A definition might be “a degree of excellence” or “superiority in kind.” Quality brings to mind things like the flawless Hope Diamond, Haagen-Dazs ice cream, Steinway pianos or a Rolls-Royce Phantom. When you think about any of those examples you immediately think “quality.” Why? Because when they were created, they were created with a… Continue reading Quality . . . We Wear It With Pride