Skin Blogs | Page 3 of 5 | RSVP Med Spa


What Makes Skin Have A Tone?

Skin tone - you may think it's just something you were born with. You're partially right. Our DNA is responsible for some of our skin tone. But there are more factors at play. The tone of our skin is set by a lot of things other than what we were given by our...

Aging 101

If you could take a class on how our skin ages, what do you think you would learn? Well, you are about to "attend Aging 101". Here's our syllabus:  We'll look at the skin and what it is comprised of. We'll examine the causes of aging. We'll uncover some secrets to...

Being "Mature" has its Drawbacks

Remember when you were 16 or 17 and your goal was to be called “mature?” You would roll your eyes at your younger sibs and tell them, “You’re SO immature!” When you reach your 40s and 50s, you have a different perspective on maturity. To be called Mr. or Mrs. So and...


Remember how adamant your mother was that you didn’t get IN to the pool without sun block on. I used to think that was so ridiculous when we were just going to wash it off, eventually.  I never understood it until I had my own children, and I did the exact same thing....

Your Skin=PIO, “Pretty Important Organ”

We often think of our organs as inside of us, tucked safely away from harm. If you didn’t know, your skin is an organ, and it is the largest one you have. In that case, it’s pretty important and needs special care so that it can do its job well and protect all the...