Upneeq (Oxymetazoline) - Non-Surgical Drooping Eye Treatment



Let’s explore how a drop of Upneeq treats drooping eyelids.

Blepharoptosis or drooping eyelids is a common eyelid problem; an average of 11.5% of adults suffer from the condition where the upper eyelids rest uncomfortably close to the lower eyelids and descend into a sag. The problem appears mainly due to aging, but long-term use of contact lenses may also contribute to the condition. The problem not only lessens the aesthetic appeal of your face but also obstructs vision in severe cases. The common problem patients complain about is their faces looking tired and sleepy. Some also suffer from headaches from lifting their eyebrows too much all day long in order to see. The first option to treat the condition is blepharoplasty and / or ptosis repair, the surgical lifting of eyelids which is the third most in-demand surgical procedure in the U.S., according to a survey conducted in 2019. Another treatment option to treat the ptosis with a prescription eye drop, one that doesn’t include surgery. A magic drop will lift your drooping eyelids: UPNEEQ is an FDA-approved prescription-only medication that effectively improves drooping eyelids by a single dose. Let’s explore more about UPNEEQ.

What is UPNEEQ, and how it works?

Upneeq is the brand name for oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Oxymetazoline is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that causes the muller’s muscles to contract to raise the upper eyelid. The temporary treatment with Upneeq is the safest non-invasive method to treat ptosis, and it has proved to start working within minutes to create a lift that lasts for eight hours. The amount of lift Upneeq provides is about 1 mm, which is a very noticeable difference in the amount of eyelid lift.

Dr. Selena Fu, board-certified oculoplastic surgeon recommends using Upneeq one dose once daily as approved by clinical trials. Before taking the Upneeq drops, you must discuss your medical and medication history with her to ensure that you are the right candidate for using Upneeq ptosis treatment. Upneeq may affect blood pressure and interfere with prescription medicines such as anti-hypertensive medications, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

What are the side effects of UPNEEQ?

  • Eye inflammation
  • Irritation
  • blurred vision
  • headache
  • Redness

If you want to learn more about the safe use of UPNEEQ, book your initial consultation by filling out an online consultation form.



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